How does the Halo Band from Amazon active points work

With our busy lives, it seems harder to get to the gym. There are ways to get physical activity without going to the gym every day. Just taking a break from your desk and walking the halls or in some cases, walking up and down the stairs. When you can get to the gym, it may be only for 20 to 30 minutes. This is enough time to get in some weight training.

Halo Band by Amazon makes it easier to get a last-minute workout in when you cannot make it to the gym. The “active points” based upon data from the CDC (Centers for Disease Control) and WHO (World Health Organization). These organizations have recommended at least 150 minutes per week of moderate intensive activity. The “Active Points” based on 150 minutes and the 75 minutes per week of moderate and vigorous aerobic activity by the AHA (American Heart Association).

Active Points

The active points are a great way to help you stay motivated. If you like to keep up with your workout, the Halo Band will do it for you. When using a Lab that has a video, it will automatically mark it as done when the video finishes, but it will not add it under activities. Also, within the app, the Lab provides you with reminders. The app allows for easy entered of activities other than just walking and running. Some activities may be worth more points than others, so make sure you enter the right activity to get your activity points because of the intensive level. 

The Halo Band will track your heart rate, placing you in one of the following 3 brackets at a time.

The brackets consent of:

  • Intense = 130+
  • Moderate = 95 – 130
  • Light = 70 – 95 

Take into consideration these numbers may not be the same for you. These are just the numbers I concluded from my use of the Halo Band app.

Tracking Exercises

You will not have to adjust your smart device at the time of the exercise that you are performing. If you are someone that likes to keep track of each of your exercises, grab a small notepad with a pen or pencil until you can note them in the Halo Band app. Of course, the gym is not the only place where you will get most of your daily activities. The Halo Band measures your physical activity whenever your heartbeat rises and you are moving around. Making it easier to arrive at your goal. The Halo Band measures your pulse and to factor it in for the intensity level of the activity. 

Reward points based on activities 

  • Sedentary
    • -1 point if sedentary for over 8 hours at a time.
  • Light
    • 1 point for every 20 min
  • Moderate
    • 1 point for every 1 min
  • Intense
    • 2 points for 1 min 

Sedentary for over 8 hours will take points from you so watch out for this. The target amount of points is 150 weekly, dividing the points into 3 to 4 days a week. Do not be hard on yourself if it takes more than a few weeks to hit your target. Once you hit the 150, make it your next goal, for 300 points will get you the darker green. Having these fitness goals will keep you active and motivated to hit your target!

Final Thoughts

It will not take long to meet your goal with all the activities you do daily. It took 4 days for me to reach my goal of 150. The 300 will take me a little longer. I believe that those who are moving a lot will benefit from the band! If you would like to learn about the other Amazon Halo Band features Best 5 Features On The Halo App From Amazon.