My Journey as a Digital Art and Animation Student

My Journey as a Digital Art and Animation Student Exploring the World of 3D Animation with Blender Software

Welcome to my blog about my first year in the Associate of Applied Science Degree Program in Digital Art and Design with a focus on Animation (AAS.DAD.ANIMATION). In this program, I’ve been learning about the fundamentals of digital art and design, as well as exploring the exciting world of 3D animation using the powerful software Blender.

Throughout the past year, I’ve been honing my skills in various aspects of digital art, such as graphic design, digital imaging, and video editing. However, I’ve found myself particularly drawn to the world of 3D animation, and have been dedicating much of my time and effort to mastering the Blender software.

In this blog, I will be sharing my journey as a student in this program, as well as my experiences with learning and using Blender to create stunning 3D animations. I will be discussing the various techniques and tools that I’ve learned, the challenges that I’ve faced, and the creative projects that I’ve been working on.

Whether you’re a fellow student in this program, an aspiring 3D animator, or simply someone who’s interested in the world of digital art and design, I hope that my experiences and insights will inspire and inform you. So join me on this journey as I explore the exciting world of digital art and animation!